SURVIVAL symphonic rock

News: October 2008

Photo Gallery

New album CRUSADER official released by Musea Records.
Dedicated to Rick van der Linden(05.08.1946 - 22.01.2006)
Keyboard virtuoso from Ekseption and Trace.



1 - The Holy Land (3'38)
2 - Beauseant (2'15)
3 - Lamentation (1'12)
4 - Crusader (6'24)
5 - Abide With Me (2'06)
6 - Baldwin (3'21)
7 - I Cried For You (2'25)
8 - Exceptional Friend - (For Rick) (7'04)
9 - The Knights Templar (2'58)
10 - Montgisard (10'27)
11 - After All (4'16)


Musea Website


Please click here if you want to buy this CD.
Or click Official Survival Website.

Official Survival Website

Review Crusader by Musea

SURVIVAL is the name of the project initiated by Dutch keyboards player Jack LANGEVELT, an unconditional lover of symphonic Progressive rock. Particularly when vintage keyboards parts abound, especially piano and Hammond organ. Initially attracted by classical music, as a young man in the Seventies he was quite naturally enthusiast with his national legend EKSEPTION. On top of training with virtusoso Rick Van Der LINDEN, who will later receive a tribute from his pupil, Jack LANGEVELT quotes among his main influences THE NICE and EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER. Although a first version of SURVIVAL existed from 1981 to 1997, the band will need to split-up then to reform before its discographic longings are eventually fulfilled. After several handmade productions, the three musicians (The master of ceremonies is now backed by two guitarists) finally present their first real opus. Released in 2008 on the Musea label, "Crusader" offers a music that's both elaborate and accessible: varied and always cohesive. And when the guitars speak, in the way of David GILMOUR's, one may at times recall PINK FLOYD's "The Division Bell". To be discovered !

Musea Records




Proudly presents:

The Divine Comedy - part 2

The Finnish Progressive Music Association COLOSSUS is planning to release a follow up to the 3 CDs box-set INFERNO (Musea FGBG xxxx). This new concept album will be based on the second cantica of the Italian Epic Poem 'The Divine Comedy'.

Here are some basic ideas of the project:

- The 33 'cantos' of the PURGATORIO will be assigned to 33 bands. Each band participating to the project can choose one 'canto' and make their music inspired by it. Two bands can not have the same part so the first bands confirming their participation will have a better selection to choose from.
- The songs can be either instrumental or with vocals (also in mother language).
- Maximum length 7 min.
- All keyboards used on the songs should be original 70's instruments (Hammond, Mellotron, Minimoog, Clavinet, Fender Rhoades etc.) or be emulated with the best technology of today but no drum machines or programming is allowed!
- A retro, vintage, early 70's feel is required (Genesis, Yes, EL&P, Gentle Giant, VDGG, Balletto di Bronzo, etc.)
- Each band participating will record their song by themselves. The deadline for the project will be January 2009 by which time the recordings on CD-R (non-mastered) should be sent to COLOSSUS.
- Each band will receive 5 copies of the printed 3 CDs box-set.
Deadline January 2009.

More information about The Divine Comedy can be found at the following page:


Purgatorio (line-up)

Track / Artist / Nationality / Canto

1 Nemo - France - 1
2 Catzone - Italy - 2
3 Pasini & Ragozza - Italy - 3
4 Raimundo Rodulfo - Venezuela - 4
5 Ten Midnight - Italy - 5
6 SoulenginE - Italy - 6
7 Willoglass - Uk - 7
8 Atlantis1001 - Italy - 8
9 Wicked Minds - Italy - 9
10 Sophya Baccini - Italy - 10
11 Nexus - Argentina - 11

1 Nuova Era - Italy - 12
2 Survival - Holland - 13
3 Little Tragedies - Russia - 14
4 Armalite - Italy - 15
5 Phideaux - Usa - 16
6 Simon Says - Sweden - 17
7 Alex Carpani - Italy - 18
8 Maxwell's Demon - Usa - 19
9 RAK - Switzerland - 20
10 Colossus Project - Italy - 21
11 Matthijs Herder - Holland - 22

1 Mad Crayon - Italy - 23
2 Amethyst - Hungary - 24
3 Sinkadus - Sweden - 25
4 Lady Lake - Holland - 26
5 Groovector - Finland - 27
6 Mist Season - Finland - 28
7 Flamborough Head - Holland - 29
8 Yesterdays - Hungary - 30
9 B612 - Venezuela - 31
10 Equilibrio Vital - Venezuela - 32
11 Jinetes Negros - Argentina - 33


Two interesting, brand new video-clips about Survival's music.
The first one is an all musical sampler.
The second one a mini-documentary with interviews and news about the forthcoming album Crusader.
Both video's are produced by DSP Movies, a Ducksingel Productions company. (

See the Video page!